Friday, September 26, 2008

Venting Time....

Okay...I don't really want to air my dirty without getting into specifics, I need to vent a little!!

I am ANNOYED! With people mostly, I think. I am speaking here from my own experiences but also from my observations of the way things work in the world. Everyone is in such a hurry to get what THEY want...with the attitude of "so what if I run over some folks or screw with them" makes me sick! I have experience with individuals, in my life, that will waste so much time just trying to screw things up for me that they can't be leaving any time to enjoy their own lives. Now, of course, I am assuming that these individuals actually ARE human and want to have happy lives of their own instead of the "MUTANT SPAWN OF SATAN" they seem to be! I could be wrong, however. I'm not so self-involved that I think I am the center of the universe or anything...but I know when someone is screwing with me. I am tough and I will keep fighting the "EVIL FORCES OF DOOM" (little dramatic...maybe?)...I won't let them get the better of me.

As far as the rest of the world is concerned...What is wrong with people these days? Always in such a hurry to get somewhere (and get there before everyone else) that they forget there is anyone else out there and around them! So involved in their phones and texting/talking on their phones (even while driving...yikes!) that they forget to actually interact with LIVE people. Have we forgotten how to communicate without a technical device stuck to the sides of our heads? Socialize kind...remember manners (you know, please...thank you...etc) out your fellow human being (even small animals, if you have the opportunity). When you go to a store (giving an example here...k?) and you see someone in need of some help (an older person who can't reach an item on the top shelf) do something unexpected...HELP THEM! Don't say.."oh, I don't have time to waste like that...I don't work's not MY problem"...blah, blah, blahty blah! I am 5 ft. 9 inches tall and when I am in a store and see someone in need of help like that (yes, this has happened a few times...really) I don't hesitate in asking them if they would like assistance. I have yet to have ANY one of those people curse, yell, or turn down the help. I am glad to help and quite honestly, think about my 85 year old Grandmother when I see someone like this. Of course, being kind goes way beyond helping out someone in a store...that was just a example. Attitudes need to change! The economy is going straight down the crapper...we are all going to need the kindness and understanding of fellow human beings to make it through these tough times. Oil prices are high...gas prices are prices are high...unemployment rates are high...not such a good combination is it? I'm worried...worried that the human race is losing it's ability to feel compassion. I know I may sound like a "bleeding heart"...but this is just me on my soapbox for's what's on my mind.

Okay, switching gears...I need (for my own sanity) to go do some cooking. I am out of butter (limits my baking) so I will go figure something to make. Maybe some corn muffins (no butter in the recipe)...hmmm? Thanks for reading. Take care.

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