Saturday, September 20, 2008

Walking & Baking....

Okay, so not at the same time. This is just what I did this week.

I started my walking/hiking again. I used to walk 6 miles a day. There was a great walking trail back in Maine that went along the river. It was paved and well kept...maintained by the two towns it was in. 3 miles one way, turn around and go 3 miles back...all at a fairly quick pace (almost a jog). I loved it! It always felt so good to go and do that for myself. You know, some "ME" blasting in my ears, drowning out all the worries of my day for just a little while. Well, I haven't been doing that since I moved...and I've really missed it. Never mind the physical influence (not that I've gotten fat or anything)...the emotional effect was what made walking good for me. So, needing to relieve some emotional stress and gain some positive physical energy...I started walking again. Now, to all those who know me this next part will come as no surprise...I never do things in a small, my first walk (you know, to just get back into it) was about 10 miles. It felt great but what didn't feel great was the blister on my poor little toe. I thought I was wearing the right shoes (a pair of my absolute favorite) and shoes that are made for this kind of thing. My KEEN (a brand name...not meaning "nifty") sandals. What I didn't factor into my little jaunt was the fact that I was having some BIG TIME emotional stress and walking at a pace that was almost running. Not what these shoes are made for. Oh well, the walk was still great. I went into the city and walked to the park, through the park, and then back again...with lots of up and down hills. Today, I went for another walk...this time through the bush (that's what Canadians call "the woods"). I'm not sure how many miles it was...but it was a good hike...and I wore the right shoes this time. The sad part about this walk was all the trees that have been cut down for the development of "cookie cutter" houses. (whip-lash moment again...sorry) It's so sad, really. Even sadder is how the developers dispose of their's everywhere! Broken glass, bits and pieces of building material...junk! That is the one thing I don't understand about it here...the garbage on the streets. Why? Is it a city thing?...what? Seems so disrespectful to me. I come from a state that fines you $1000 for littering...and it's enforced! There are those that still litter there, but not very much. I don't know...guess I will get off my soapbox for now. Another time maybe.

So, the baking part of my really happened all in one day. This activity boosts positive mental energy...because it makes people happy...and because I'm so damn good at it! I went a bit crazy yesterday. To start I made two kinds of cookies...Peanut Butter and Snickerdoodles. Now, I don't just make single batches of cookies...always double batches or bigger so that I can share with friends and neighbors. This, of course, made the kids happy when they came home from school. For dinner I made four different kinds of pizza (yes, the dough was made by me as well...earlier in the day). I made a plain cheese, one with just bacon and cheese (sauce too), a veggie (mostly for me) with onions, hot banana peppers (grown in the pot outside), fresh tomatoes (also grown outside) and fresh basil (you guessed it, grown by me too)...the final pizza had spaghetti, sauce and cheese. The kids looked at me funny with that one but ate it (couldn't have been THAT weird). To top the day, we had fresh cinnamon rolls at about 11pm...topped with gooey frosting...the perfect late night snack (for a Friday with no school the next day kind of night). Leftovers for breakfast this morning.

So, going to keep up the walking...for me. Going to keep up the baking...for my peace of mind..and to make people happy. Do what is good and right for you...for your peace of mind...and for your peace of body and soul. Good night...dream sweet.

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