Monday, October 6, 2008

Dazed and Confused!

I just don't understand things sometimes. How can the day be going along, fairly well, and then be completely, utterly and totally blown to shit just because you say something?...oh, because I say something? When it comes to the "emotional" part of myself, I am least likely to get what I need or want just because I talk about it! No exageration, I assure you! And it really must be useless to try to figure out...I can't...and I've been trying for a very long time!! I know I sound whiny as crap...maybe I am...maybe that's the problem...I don't know. I just know that I am tired of my life being the way it is...tired of doing without things I need (you know, the things you can't buy?) and just wishing I could shut down and shut off and not feel it so damn much! I'm looking...I'm trying to find my way...but I am feeling so lost today.

So...thank you for joining me in another episode of "As the shit turns"...hope your day is bright and sunny...and that someone out there loves you...and shows you that every minute of the day! You deserve it...everybody deserves it! I promise I will be better the next time I am here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well you know there is at least one person out here that does, so FUCKING SMILE ALREADY. ;{)>