Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Today's ramblings

I love the rain...it's so peaceful...usually. The rain last night should have been relaxing...I should have been able to sleep...but could not. Oh well. My brain did not want to mellow and allow for the sleep to come.
I am in my little "pod" today. My computer has many tabs open...one for here, of course...one for my favorite radio station (in Maine) they are playing their morning show (oh how I miss driving to work every morning listening to the craziest people in Maine!). I have also been hopping from site to site reading the latest "goings on" of my favorite Chefs.
Oh my God, I need a job! When the powers that be, in this country, finally see fit to give me my work permit...I will be so happy!! I am considered a "skilled worker" by the government here...which, I am told, is a good thing. It should get me working sooner rather than later...let's hope. Aside from the whole "lack of money" thing...not working is making me go crazy (crazier?).
So, that leaves the subject of food to talk about...hmmm...where to start? What's for dinner?...I have no idea. I feel like baking today...okay, I almost always feel like baking. What will it be?...cookies?...muffins?...bread? I guess I will have to go to the kitchen soon and see what inspires me.
I think I am a bit homesick today. I like it here but still...it's difficult in a new city. You don't know too many people. I am longing for the people who know me well and care for me (not all are in Maine but I miss them too). I am dying to go out for coffee and have a long talk with a friend. Soon.
Well, I'm off to see what the adventures of the day will be. Maybe there will be good sleep tonight...think positive.

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