Monday, July 20, 2009


Just a quick note today as I am excited for this week to finally be here!!
My kids are coming home Friday!! Yay! I can't wait! I'm not sure why but it seems that this year, their time away has dragged on. They have a yearly, month long visitation with their father (in the states) I'm used to that...but this year feels longer to me.
So, I am busy doing the usual preparations for their their rooms, washing their bedding (to make it fresh again), making sure their favorite foods are in the pantry and, of course, baking yummy things for them to munch.
When they do get back I will have loads of laundry to do (their father likes to send everything home dirty) and my son will want to be wherever I am for a few days...all the usual stuff. My daily life will be noisier and more hectic...and I love that!
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy myself when they are gone...sometimes. But I have so much fun when they are home. I just love hanging out with my kids...whether we are at home watching a movie or out on a hike...they are great people to be around.

Well, I better get back to it...lots to do...yay again!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I feel I have been neglecting my duties here. Not really sure why...I've had PLENTY to say...I've had the time...perhaps the reason is motivation? Lots to say...don't feel like saying it? Who knows...but let's give it a shot, shall we?

My kids have been on their yearly summer visitation with SOS...gone since the end of June. They come home in a week...yay! Not sure I can get across to anyone how much I HATE them being gone. You would have to be in my head to understand and believe me, that's not where you want to be. From what they've told me (during our phone conversations) they have been having a pretty good time. They haven't had too much one-on-one time with their father...which might account for the good time. They've been spending time with their friends..favorite Aunt and Uncle (spoiled them rotten, of course) and cousins...they've gone camping, etc. This next week will be the "interesting" part of the trip...a whole week of "nothing planned", staying at the house their father shares with his still married girlfriend and her three kids. It would almost be like an episode of the "Brady Bunch" if it weren't for the fact that the GF's husband owns the house, there is no quirky maid and there isn't a shred of stability in that house or the relationship. Don't misunderstand me here...I am not the "Bitter Ex". Believe me, I could care less about the SOS (Spawn Of Satan). I just don't like my kids in that situation for any length of time...or really any time at all. Talking to my 9 yr. old son last night, I was so sad when I heard him come to the realization that he still had one more full week that he had to spend there. "You're not picking me up on Sunday...why?" nearly broke my heart to tell him that our pick-up day wasn't until Friday, the 24th. Then I heard that little tone in his voice that meant he had gone into his "survival mode" again. I have been told that kids are tough...and mine all are...but to know that he HAS to be! Anyway, I told him to not worry...the week would go quickly and he would be home soon. Asked him too, what he wanted to eat when he got home? "RIBS!", he said. The kid is deprived of the foods he likes...the GF is a vegetarian so therefore, EVERYONE has to be. Nothing wrong with being a vegetarian...I don't eat much meat myself...but to force your beliefs on someone else (no matter what they are ) is crap! My daughters are both older (mid and late teens) so they do as they please more...and have more control. Oh well, "kids are tough"...a mantra I just can't get used to...ever.

Some random thoughts....

"Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" came out in theaters this week...yay! I know, I am an adult and it may seem strange for me to be excited about this....but I can't help it, I am! There is a history with my kids, especially my daughter Victoria. She and I have been in this together from them 1. We read the books together...taking turns until Book 5 came out and we realized we couldn't share a book any longer...and each bought one...the same for books6 and 7. We've seen all the movies, over and over...buying them on DVD. We have had snow days of Harry Potter marathons...staying in our jammies and camping out, in the living room, in front of the TV...all day! As Harry has kids have grown. It's been a fun ride!!

Michael Jackson died. My first thought when I found out was..."No way...that can't be right." Well, yes, it was. I know that there was so much controversy in the last few years of his life...but I have memories of growing up and loving his music. I still have his "Off The Wall" album. I used to play it in my bedroom all the time! I'm not old enough to have experienced The Jackson 5 when they were first out there...but I enjoyed there music too. To me Michael was a musical genious...there can't be any denying that. What he did in his personal life...well, I wouldn't know. I wasn't there. There has been alot said about his personal life but to me it's all speculation and none of my business. I choose to remember him the way he was before his looks changed...when he was making music and making history. I will remember his music and how it affected my life. Rest in Peace MJ.

I am missing my family and friends in the states....
I am missing my home state (Maine)....
I am missing my Brother, Sister-in-law, neice and nephew (they live in South Korea)...

My immigration papers are finally in order (took the Canadian Gov long enough!) and I can start working soon!!! This is a good thing because I am slowly loosing my mind! ;)

There are a few other things in my tiny brain but I am done for now. I need to find food! Take care all...I hope you have peace and love in your life. :)