Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My "SISTER" Sara!!

Sara and I have known each other for nearly 25 years and have been best friends for about a week less than that. We have had our ups and downs through the years but I can't imagine a universe without her in it. Sara is witty, amusing, free spirited and generally wonderful. To know her is to love her...and I do.
The following is from an online conversation (used here with her permission) we had today about her adventures in the snow...yesterday...with her 17 year old son Josh. I didn't really speak much...I was laughing too much to type.

Had to go on another rescue run yesterday to save Josh out on the trails...



no the track on his sled broke in half...

so I went out to rescue him with my sled...

made it to the power lines...

got stuck...

got off my sled and sunk in about 4 ft of snow...

stayed there for a little while as I am short and it was VERY hard to get out...

couldn't get the sled out by myself...

was not sure how far into the woods Josh was...

yelled but he couldn't hear me...

so I began to crawl on my hands and knees to the woods across the power lines...

arms sunk and did a few face plants in the snow...

decided to lay there for a little while and wonder why I didn't take a cell phone with me or a pair of snowshoes...

called myself a dumb ass and had a good laugh...

talked to God a bit...

decided to army crawl on my belly to distribute my weight evenly across the snow...

felt like a sea lion...

started to make some progress!

about 30 min later made it to the woods...

whole trip about 100 yards...

started to walk in the woods!

learned I could easily walk though 20 inches of snow compared to 4 feet!

Kept yelling "Josh, don't worry, Mommy is coming!" over and over...

went around a corner...

no Josh...

kept walking...

call Josh again...

went around another corner...

still no Josh...

stopped and thought...

boy, the woods are very pretty today :):)

couldn't breathe...

caught my breath.

went around another corner...

saw Josh way way up ahead!


walked to his sled...


we stood there for a moment...

I couldn't talk very well...

out of shape maybe?


decided to walk back to my sled to get it unstuck...

take all that I said before and reverse it!

all of it!!

yes I crawled again!

got back to my sled...

30 min later...





got it unstuck!

got it stuck :(:(



made a path though the snow...

both of us...

for the snowmobile to go though...

more crawling...

had a bit of trouble keeping my boots on...

they wanted to stay in the snow!

crawled back...



and got it unstuck! :):)

made it to the woods...


began calling around for people to help us...

called Jordan...

called my mommy...

they called people...

their people called people...

the guy at the snowmobile club...

at the end of the power lines was out with the groomer...

Love that guy!!!

while we waited for the people to do their thing we drove my snowmobile around so that I could get it back home...

Superhero Josh took the snowmobile and jumped a HUGE snow bank...

got some air!!

scared the shit out of him!! :)

I thought it was pretty cool until I had to climb up the damn bank!

the phone rang and the new love in my life, the groomer guy, said he was coming to save us!!!

waited 15 min...

he came and took Josh back to his sled and pulled his sled out and all the way back to Swain Hill...

We then left it by the side of the road and drove back to the house for hot cocoa!!

total time 3 hours!!!

very tired legs...

did not use my elliptical last night!!!

The End

After regaining my composure, I got Sara's permission to use her story...told her she was awesome..."Super Mommy!!". Then "Super Mommy" and I said goodbye so she could go make dinner for her husband and 3 equally beautiful and intelligent children (my Goddaughter being the youngest one).

Not everyone is going to understand why I found this story so amusing...and that's okay. You would have had to have been there...through the happiness...through the HELL...and you weren't! That privilege has been ours! I am thankful...very thankful for the time I've shared with my "sister".

1 comment:

Jane Smith said...

That was funny. Been there done that. I don't know where your sister is from, but that sounds like a regular snowmobile trip to Rheinlander Wisconsin when we were kids! God I loved those trips! Lot of getting stuck. A lot of fun times! Snowmobile club...where is this place I want to join!

Thanks for sharing this story. I could just see her army crawling across the snow! Poor thing! She was a real sport though!
