Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!....

Happy Thanksgiving to all reading this! I know I am in Canada but being a crazy girl from the U.S. (and I am), it is still Thanksgiving in my heart. I am missing my home country very much and missing the people I love that live there...I am very thankful for you all.

As oblivious as most Canadians are about what day it is today (except for those watching football this afternoon or planning shopping trips tomorrow), I could not let the day go by without cooking. I'm not a big turkey fan (no offense to them...they're cute and all but they tend to make me kind of sick when I eat them) I am roasting a chicken for dinner tonight. I am also, of course making all the side dishes to go along with my chicken...mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc. I started out early (as is also tradition for Thanksgiving) by making three different pies...Pumpkin, Apple and Chocolate.

One thing I am getting out of understanding of other people who have immigrated (to Canada and the U.S.) and the need to uphold family and cultural traditions. I don't want my children to forget who they are or where they came from. I know that some may feel the difference between Canada and the U.S. is no big deal...but it is...different. I feel it is my duty as the older (not that old) generation to make sure the traditions and customs of my family are passed down to my they can pass them down someday too.

The kids know what dinner is tonight (they hate that they have to go to school today) but they are excited that we are keeping the tradition still. Then again, the excitement might be more for the pies?...That is tradition too I think?

Have a great day! Enjoy the people you love that are and miss the ones you can't be with! I am...and I do!

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